Another reader passes along this email from City Councilman Lew Fidler announcing a fundraiser at the 41st Assembly District Democratic Clubhouse in Midwood.
Writes Fidler:
This past month, I formed a new committee allowing me to
fund raise for an “unspecified” state office. With a filing and
reporting date coming up at the end of June, it is imperative that I
raise a larger sum of money than I have ever raised before. While I
have always found political fund raising to be one of the most
distasteful aspects of elected service, it is unfortunately a
necessary one. Without matching funds, and with this urgent need, I am
asking you to help…and in as big a way as you possibly can.
Of course, that “unspecified” office likely belongs to Carl Kruger, the disgraced State Senator who’s flip on his gay marriage vote yesterday signifies (depending on who you ask) either that he is gearing up to run against the pro same-sex marriage Fidler or preparing to leave office and face his fate.
Fidler has also been mentioned as a possible candidate for Anthony Weiner’s congressional seat, but that seat is likely to go someone in Queens.
Tickets for the event range from $100 to $1,000 (for “Superstars”) and include coffee, bagels, wine and cheese.
Full invite below:
Lew Fidler for New York
Steven P. Saltzman, Treasurer, 2323 Avenue R, Brooklyn, New York 11229
June 10, 2011
Dear Friend,
I am writing to you about a subject of urgent importance
to ask for your help and assistance.
For most of my adult life, I have been engaged in public
service. It is my hope that I have made a difference in the lives of
many whether it was in helping people stay in their homes through
foreclosure prevention, giving runaway and homeless children a shelter
bed, improving the quality of education, standing up for our critical
social services network or even making sure that property taxes didn’t
overburden overstressed families.
As my time in the City Council must necessarily come to an
end, it is my fervent hope that I will be able to continue my public
service. While I cannot control the events that are in the hands of
others, it is critical that I be prepared for things that might come
my way. Like a good Boy Scout, I have to “be prepared”.
This past month, I formed a new committee allowing me to
fund raise for an “unspecified” state office. With a filing and
reporting date coming up at the end of June, it is imperative that I
raise a larger sum of money than I have ever raised before. While I
have always found political fund raising to be one of the most
distasteful aspects of elected service, it is unfortunately a
necessary one. Without matching funds, and with this urgent need, I am
asking you to help…and in as big a way as you possibly can.
On Sunday, June 26th, we will be holding an all day Open
House fund raiser. Please stop by and give as generously as you can.
If you can’t make it—while we will of course miss you—please send
a check. A contribution form is enclosed with the rules and limits of
giving for a State office.
Whatever the case, know that my family and I will always
appreciate your support, help and friendship. I hope to continue to
make my mark in public service. With your help, that will most
certainly be possible.
Lew Fidler
Lew Fidler for New York
Steven P. Saltzman, Treasurer, 2323 Avenue R, Brooklyn, New York 11229
Open House
Fund Raiser
Sunday, June 26th
10 AM until 4 PM
at: The 41st Assembly District Democrats Club
2952 Avenue R, Brooklyn (corner of Haring Street, one block east of
Nostrand Avenue)
Join us for
Bagels, Cream Cheese and Coffee (10 AM-1 PM)
Wine and Cheese (1 PM-4 PM)
Suggested Contributions:
_____Supporter ($100) _____Patron ($250)
_____Hero ($500) _____Superstar ($1,000+)
Please make sure to use the enclosed contribution form!!!
Check contribution rules and limits on enclosed contribution form.
Lew Fidler
For New York
Contribution Form
Yes! I want to help! Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of :
$_____________. Check Number:_________
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: _________ Zip code: ______________
Phone: ( )__________________ Email: ___________________________
Please make checks payable to “Lew Fidler for New York”
c/o Steven Saltzman, Treasurer
2323 Avenue R
Brooklyn, New York 11229
Individuals and business entities may contribute up to a maximum
amount of $10,300. Not for profit corporations may not participate.
Corporate contributions may not exceed $5,000 (for all contributions)
per calendar year.
Contributions are not tax deductible. State law prohibits making a
contribution in someone else’s name, reimbursing someone for a
contribution made in your name, being reimbursed for a contribution
made in your name, or claiming to have made a contribution when a loan
was made. [Club]