Tom Duane: Greg Ball Has Never Been 'Close to a Yes Vote' On Gay Marriage

Greg Ball has been seen by many as a swing vote on gay marriage, despite the loud objections from Tea

Greg Ball has been seen by many as a swing vote on gay marriage, despite the loud objections from Tea Partiers in his district.

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He has recently emerged as one of the prime defenders of the religious carve-outs of the bill, even though some marriage proponents see the issue as red-herring.

But State Senator Tom Duane, the only openly gay State Senator appeared on Michelangelo Signorile’s Sirius satellite radio program and essentially called out Ball for posturing.

“Personally I’ve never been overly optimistic that Senator Ball was going to be a yes vote,” he said.  “I have never counted him in one of my close to yes votes.”

Duane was quick to add however that advocates should call all senators, even those who are firmly committed one way or the other.

Duane also said there would need to be more Republicans going public with their support before he could be confident that anything would pass

“I do think it’s important now that in advance we do have more more Republicans publicly saying that they are going to vote in the affirmative,” he said.

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(H/T) Think Progress




Tom Duane: Greg Ball Has Never Been 'Close to a Yes Vote' On Gay Marriage