Want to Be in a Yahoo! Ad? We Didn’t Think So

If you get over to Park Slope right now, you will see a giant purple mailbox at the corner of

Mail model.

If you get over to Park Slope right now, you will see a giant purple mailbox at the corner of Eighth Avenue and 9th Street. You will be tempted to flick a smoldering ciggy butt inside. Don’t do it! This is your shot at the big time.

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Instead, step gingerly up to the thing and say something. The mailbox will actually talk back to you. There’s a dude inside, with a camera. Now discard every last scrap of dignity you have—what did dignity ever do for you?—draw in a giant gulp of air, and let out the loudest, most ridiculous “Yah-hooooooooooo-oooo!!!” you can muster.

Don’t forget to sign the photo release.

Congratulations, you are a dork.

Want to Be in a Yahoo! Ad? We Didn’t Think So