Cuomo Cash: Big Bucks Pour In, But For What?

Andrew Cuomo hasn’t yet filed his campaign finance disclosure reports, but NYPIRG campaign finance number-crunching whiz Bill Mahoney has reversed

Andrew Cuomo hasn’t yet filed his campaign finance disclosure reports, but NYPIRG campaign finance number-crunching whiz Bill Mahoney has reversed engineered some of his donations and learned one thing: our governor’s campaign coffers are filled.

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Mahoney notes that 41 PACs have already disclosed giving him a total of $483,800 over the past six months, with the vast majority of the money- $450,300 – coming from businesses.  Plus, he notes, Cuomo is already accepting checks for a potential primary run.

The real question for Cuomo however is what is all this money for? Read More

Cuomo Cash: Big Bucks Pour In, But For What?