Michael Hastings’ Book on Afghanistan Canceled

The New York Post is reporting that Little, Brown has canceled Michael Hastings’ still-untitled book, described in Publishers Marketplace as


The New York Post is reporting that Little, Brown has canceled Michael Hastings’ still-untitled book, described in Publishers Marketplace as “‘an unprecedented behind-the-scenes account of America’s longest war,’ with an unfiltered look at the war, and the soldiers, diplomats and politicians who are waging it.”

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Little, Brown signed it up after Mr. Hastings’ 2010 Rolling Stone article about General Stanley McChrystal. After the article came out President Obama fired Gen. McChrystal and Mr. Hastings got a six-figure advance. Now, according to the Post, Andrew Wylie, who is Mr. Hastings’s agent, has started shopping around the manuscript again to editors.

At the very least, this explains why Michael Hastings and Elise Jordan’s entry on our Media Power Couples List saw an otherwise inexplicable boost in traffic yesterday.

Michael Hastings’ Book on Afghanistan Canceled