Attorney General Eric Schneiderman apparently ain’t no fundraising slouch, either.
On a day in which his State Street neighbor Andrew Cuomo unveiled his own gaudy fundraising numbers, the AG revealed that he has raised close to $1 million in the first six months of his tenure as the state’s top cop.
The $913,397.70 that Schneiderman took nearly doubles the $ $513,575 that Cuomo raised in ’07. That was Cuomo’s first fundraising period as well, but as the NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney points out, he already had his eye on higher office at that point, opening up a second Cuomo 2010 committee to operate alongside his Cuomo for Attorney General Committee.
Update: Liz shrewdly points out that most of Schneiderman’s stockpiling is going to refilling his own coffers–he lent himself over $500,000 for the 2010 attorney general campaign which must be paid back.