The Times‘s Joe Nocera has finally gotten his chance to shine during the current News of the World scandal, intoning last week that Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal had been characterized by lack of ethics and “weirdly, sometimes surprisingly unsophisticated coverage of business” and going yet further today. “There is something undeniably rich about seeing the tables turned like this,” he writes, citing gossip about News Corp replacing gossip promulgated by News Corp–and adding to the pile-on by calling out both the weak news coverage of the scandal in the Journal‘s pages and that editorial in which the Journal defended its corporate sibling. (He further states that he has been emailing “back and forth with friends, we can’t stop marveling”–oh, to be on that thread!) The Times–Journal feud has just been bolstered by some real ammunition on the Times side; we’re waiting for the next Journal op-ed. :: @DPD_