And they keep the Huffington Post alive. With engagement being the future of news publishing and all that, Ad Age surveyed 1,003 households on their attitudes toward commenting on news stories. Of all those surveyed, six percent said they “always” comment on a news story, compared to 37 percent who say they “never” do.
That’s compared to nine percent who said ‘often,’ 20 percent “sometimes,” and 28 percent “rarely.”
Looks like commenting is still uncool, though we bet more than a few of those readers made remarks on Twitter or at the breakfast table. But commenting commenting is on its way up, AdAge speculates:
Younger millennials (18- to 24-year olds) are three times as likely as those 55 and older to say that engagement tools will make them more likely to visit a site.
Of the 25 to 24-year old age bracket, 10 percent say they always leave comments. We’re imagining a future where commenting is the norm rather than the exception–perhaps in 2040, sometime after Facebook makes us forget how to dislike things.