Asia Song Society, Citing ‘Structural Damage,’ Ends James Franco Show

Terence Koh’s Asia Song Society gallery appears to be having a brutal month. Shortly after opening a show of work

The Asia Song Society gallery, at 45 Canal Street, in 2008. (Photo: Andrew Russeth)

Terence Koh’s Asia Song Society gallery appears to be having a brutal month. Shortly after opening a show of work by the indomitable James Franco, titled “High/Low, Rob Lowe,” it closed its doors, citing unspecified legal issues that remain unexplained.

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Now A.S.S. is reporting in a statement that its building, at 45 Canal Street, “suffered significant structural damage” during the heavy rain storms that hit New York over the weekend, “making it improbable that we will be able to continue showing work in our gallery space.” Mr. Franco’s show, which had been scheduled to run through Aug. 28, is now closed for good.

The gallery included this note in its statement:

“It is our great hope that at a future date the work in ‘High/Low, Rob Lowe’ will be shown to the wider public, and that the relevant issues Franco explores in his art will be further debated.”

Until then, the show will exist only in the memories of those who saw it and the writing it inspired.

Asia Song Society, Citing ‘Structural Damage,’ Ends James Franco Show