Codey criticizes state proposal to alter staff/client ratios for mental health care

TRENTON – An administration proposal to reduce reimbursement rates and change staff-to-patient ratios for certain mental health care in order

TRENTON – An administration proposal to reduce reimbursement rates and change staff-to-patient ratios for certain mental health care in order to reduce costs drew criticism today from a state senator.

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Sen. Richard J. Codey, (D-27), Essex, called proposed alterations to the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program “deeply troubling.’’

Among other things, the state proposes to adjust the current staff to client ratio from 1 to 12 to 1 to 15.

“The administration’s proposal to change staff-to-client ratios and lower reimbursement rates for mental health care is deeply troubling,” Codey said in a release.

“While we all recognize the state’s economic condition requires that we make difficult decisions, we cannot allow our most vulnerable populations to bear a disproportionate share of the burden.

“Especially in these economic times, it is critical that we continue to provide mental health services at a level that ensures the quality of care and the services that are provided remain sufficient. We cannot turn back the clock on the gains we have made in this area. I strongly urge the administration to rethink this decision.”

The state also wants to reduce reimbursements for certain services.

Previous coverage:


Codey criticizes state proposal to alter staff/client ratios for mental health care