We here at Betabeat have never known the pure joy, the life-affirming rush, the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from being on the receiving end of a Twittacle (“twitter” plus “miracle”). But Peter Shankman has. The social media entrepreneur responsible for the trenchant observation that Twitter followers are the new penis envy (sorry, ladies, this is not your analogy) recounted his recent Twitacle on his blog, P.S. And let him tell you, “This is AMAZING.”
Basically, here’s what happened. Mr. Shankman had a really long day, full of travel with little time to eat. He’s a big fan of Morton’s Steakhouses, which they know through their excellent Customer Relations Management System, yadda yadda yadda, he gets on a flight to Newark and jokingly tweets at Morton’:
“Hey @Mortons – can you meet me at newark airport with a porterhouse when I land in two hours? K, thanks. :)”
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand . . . wait for it . . . they freaking show up. In a tuxedo! From the nearest location 23.5 miles away!
Witness as Mr. Shankman tries to explain the enormity:
“Are you taking this all in? Because it happened to me, and I still can’t even fathom it.
Think about all the things that could have gone wrong: My flight could have been delayed or diverted. I could have exited out a different location. (Had I taken the AirTrain and not had a driver, I never would have even exited that way!) I could have just missed him all together, I could have landed early, etc., etc…
I have no doubt that countless companies think like that. They think along the lines of “Oh, too many logistics. That’ll never work,” and they leave it at that.
But what if it does work? What if it happens, and it works perfectly, and it shocks the living hell out of the person they do it to? Like it did tonight?
And what if that person’s first thought is to make it public? Like I did tonight?”
Twitticles! They do exist!