2012: Anybody want a straw poll victory in Florida? [Alex Burns / Politico]
2012: Bloomberg defends Obama’s right to vacation. [Jonathan Lemire / Daily News]
NY-9: “A source close to Weprin pointed out that the clip [in Turner’s ad] cuts off Weprin’s next line, which was that he would like to see the project moved further from Ground Zero.” [Anna Gustafson / Queens Chronicle]
NY-9: Turner once held a “Move the Mosque” rally. [Eric Yun / Forum News]
Israel: Attack in Gaza stain’s the country’s relationship with Egypt. [Isabel Kershner and David Kirkpatrick / New York Times]
9/11: Former NJ Gov originally omitted from anniversary said, “It was Governor Christie who pursued the angle that I should participate, not me.” [Matt Flegenheimer / New York Times]
9/11: “We’re not going to have an Alexander Hamilton-Aaron Burr moment,” said Christie. [Ginger Gibson / NJ.com]
Albany: “Team Cuomo has offered few details about what the governor would be during his roughly two-week vacation.” [Glenn Blain / Daily News]
Port Authority: Senate Transportation Chairman piles on, criticizing the “leadership” at the bi-state agency. [Nick Reisman / Capital Tonight]
Tax Cap: “At the same time, many five-member town boards are realizing that overriding the cap…might be easier to do than first thought.” [Yancey Roy / Newsday]
Fracking: “The subpoenas [by AG Schneiderman] come as New York’s governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, seeks to end a de facto shale gas drilling moratorium…” [Ian Urbina / New York Times]
Buffalo: Unclear if departure of schools superintendent triggers $100,00 payout for termination. [Mary Pasciak / Buffalo News]
Pool Reports: A local protester gets recognition. [The Villager]
Bloomberg LP: The mayor is proud of his company. [WNYC]
Brooklyn GOP: Graves back on the ballot. [Colin Campbell / The Brooklyn Politics]
2017: Prospective NYC mayoral candidate Baldwin trails Steve Martin in an early test of organizational strength. [Twitter]
Media: “The Press was my first job in journalism, using both ‘job’ and ‘journalism’ very loosely.” [Keach Hagey / Politico]
Media: New York Press had stopped being an alt-weekly some time ago. [Observer]
Media: The most notorious story New York Press ever ran. [Matt Taibbi ]
Brooklyn: Filming a rough scene for “Brunch” on Fort Hamilton Parkway. [Mary / The Windsor Terrace]