Anti-Bob Turner Ad Featuring Airplane Ominously Buzzing Manhattan: Slightly Terrorist-y?

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee just released their new attack ad against Bob Turner, the Republican candidate for the NY-9

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee just released their new attack ad against Bob Turner, the Republican candidate for the NY-9 seat vacated by Anthony Weiner. There’s something slightly…off…about the timing of the ad. [UPDATED.]

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Related: Bob Turner Brings Ground Zero Mosque Debate to Queens in First Ad >>

Just three days before tenth Anniversary of September 11th seems an inopportune time to use an image of a private jet buzzing right by the Manhattan skyline to illustrate Bob Turner’s lax stance on corporate tax reform. Right?

Any other week, it’d be a huge stretch. Yet there’s something about seeing replays of the attacks ad nauseum on broadcast news, and commemorative/memorial ceremonies taking place city-wide that makes it much, much worse. It’s not a rhetorical question: Is there truly no better way to illustrate Turner’s commitment to corporate interests twelve seconds into an attack ad?

UPDATE: Azi Paybarah at Capital New York noted that they’ve removed the old ad (which is why the video above no longer works) and doctored the spot to remove the skyline from it, an hour and a half after we posted it. All told, pretty quick work on the DCCC’s part. One more time, now you see it:


Now you don’t:


The full, new, working version of the ad is here:

UPDATE 2: One day later, and the ad is still playing on FOX5 in its 9/11-y iteration:

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Anti-Bob Turner Ad Featuring Airplane Ominously Buzzing Manhattan: Slightly Terrorist-y?