Committee tables “Peggy’s Law”

A bill that would require doctors, caretakers, nurses or other professionals to immediately report suspected elder abuse of institutionalized patients

A bill that would require doctors, caretakers, nurses or other professionals to immediately report suspected elder abuse of institutionalized patients was tabled today by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

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The bill, dubbed Peggy’s law, was sponsored by Sen. Andrew Ciesla, (D-10).  The committee tabled the bill at the request of Maureen Persi, daughter of Peggy Marzolla, for whom the bill is named.

The bill was amended and Persi said it no longer represented protection for institutionalized elderly patients and instead represented the wishes of deep-pocketed lobbyists.  Committee chairwoman Sen. Loretta Weinberg tabled the bill in order to hear from Ciesla on the intent of the amendments.

Committee tables “Peggy’s Law”