Jason Wagenheim Named Publisher of Glamour

Jason Wagenheim, publisher of Time Inc’s Entertainment Weekly has jumped to Conde Nast’s Glamour, publishing director Bill Wackermann announced today.

Jason Wagenheim, publisher of Time Inc’s Entertainment Weekly has jumped to Conde Nast’s Glamour, publishing director Bill Wackermann announced today.

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Conde Nast hung out the help wanted sign in May, according to AdWeek, as Mr. Wackermann, who has overseen Glamour since 2004, took on additional duties at W, Bon Appetit and Details.

2011 has been rocky for Glamour so far. Newsstand sales dropped 17 percent in the first four months, according to WWD, but a thick September issue brought in the magazine’s all-time highest revenue. The brand has implemented alternative marketing strategies like snap tags (print advertisements which readers can hover their smart phones over to be taken to Glamour’s Facebook page and special deals from advertisers) and the Glamour-flavored donut

Prior to working at EW, Mr. Wagenheim worked the management ladder at Conde Nast, as associate publisher of Vanity Fair, executive director of Conde Nast Media Group, an associate publisher of Conde Nast Traveler.

Jason Wagenheim Named Publisher of Glamour