REQUIRED READING: The Guo Affair: How Newsweek’s Most Notorious Intern Got Caught Conning Silicon Alley
Jerry Guo–‘The Guost’–blurred ethical lines as a globe-trotting journalist, then scooped local startup Ignighter’s secrets by posing as a reporter to get intel for his own company, Grouper. How the former Newsweek intern went from the bottom of the masthead straight to the bank without getting caught–until now. The first story in the saga that ended with Mr. Guo leaving Grouper.
Supplemental reading: Around the World With Jerry Guo [SLIDESHOW]
Extra credit! What could Guo wrong? Read all our Jerry Guo stories here.
REQUIRED READING: Will Stanford Take the F Train to Silicon Island? Tensions Rise as Deadline for Tech Campus Approaches
Things are getting heated over the proposed tech campus the Oct. 28 deadline approaches. Scuttlebutt has Stanford as the frontrunner and Roosevelt Island as the likely site, agitating neighborhood advocates, schools such as Cornell and NYU that want in, as well as investor Fred Wilson, who told Betabeat choosing Stanford would be “downright anti-N.Y.C.” and “a massive slap in the face.”
REQUIRED READING: Seamless, Fresh Out of Corporate Fetters, Buys MenuPages for $15 M. as GrubHub Comes Nipping
For Seamless, the MenuPages acquisition is the latest in a string of aggressive moves spurred by fierce competition in an increasingly-heated market with GrubHub hot on its tail. Here’s how, why, when and for how much the deal went down.
–Tumblr Raises $85 Million Series E
–Paul Graham Explains What Makes Some Cities Great Startup Hubs
–Silicon Valley Bank Amps Up New York Accelerator, Plans to Double Office Size
–Meet Kirill Sheynkman: The NY VC Representing Russia’s Second Biggest Tech Investor
–Startup News: Skillshare Shares New Courses and Tentatively Launches
–Inbox Heroes: How to Appreciate Email While Also Telling It to Fuck Off
–Vibe: The Anonymous, Anarchist Version of Twitter Being Used at ‘Occupy Wall Street’
–This Week on TechStars! The Fred Wilson Dialogues and the Value of a Four-Letter Domain
–Rumors & Acquisitions: The Personalities Edition
–PIMCO Now for Sale on SecondMarket (March 16, 2011)
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