Oprah.com web traffic has plummeted since Oprah Winfrey’s talk show went off the air, so she’s having a private summit with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Demand Media’s Richard Rosenblatt, and LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner, so she can learn about the Internet. [Post]
Starz and Netflix broke up. [Times]
“It’s always been my fantasy to be an editor at a magazine, to be able to tell the story my way,” said sensible makeup mogul Bobbi Brown, who is settling for launching a blog. [WWD]
Gagged by tyrannical ESPN no more, Bruce Feldman is working for CBS. [Times]
ABC installed a wraparound news ticker on its Upper West Side building. [West Side Rag]
Elisabeth Murdoch’s husband, PR mogul Matthew Freud, could use his back door influence in the press to distance her from the hacking mess and position her for succession. “Here’s the weird thing about the Murdoch family: They believe what they read in the papers,” Freud said. Does that explain Elisabeth’s “James and Rebekah fucked the company,” comment, which was ‘anonymously’ reported? [Businessweek]
Michael Arrington is launching a venture capital fund so can’t be editor of AOL’s TechCrunch anymore, but AOL says he’ll still write for them. [SAI]