Mystery Book Fair Girl Spotted at Kickstarter Roundtable

“First Kickstarter reference in a missed connection?” Kickstater’s Fred Benenson wondered out loud on Twitter. A hapless fellow at the

It wasn't one of these fine-looking young people, was it?

“First Kickstarter reference in a missed connection?” Kickstater’s Fred Benenson wondered out loud on Twitter. A hapless fellow at the Kickstarter Roundtable at the Brooklyn Book Festival on Sunday may have met his dream girl, who according to a Craigslist posting under ‘missed connections,’ greatly distracted him from the panel:

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I stumbled into the Kickstarter session at the North Stage yesterday afternoon. While I was definitely interested in the symposium, I just couldn’t help noticing you and your beautiful and mysterious eyes. You repeatedly diverted my attention away from the stage. I could be mistaken, but I believe we noticed each other and our eyes met on more than one occasion. Putting aside the fact that I think you are very attractive, you seemed to have a wonderful smile and of course the fact that you were at the book fair on a weekend gives you major “undercover nerd” points 😀

I would like very much to learn more about you, my mystery book fair girl….

We have some criticisms of the post, namely, hello, you have to talk about how you were too shy to say anything, and like, what does this chick look like anyway?

More unconventional milestones in startup  fame, as recorded by Betabeat and in rough order of awesomeness, include:

3. Being tweeted about by Ashton Kutcher.

2. Catching the attention of a porn star on Twitter.

1. Getting referenced in a joke on popular nerd comic XKCD.

Mystery Book Fair Girl Spotted at Kickstarter Roundtable