Poetical Tweets for the Political Junkie

Politics and comedy are an age-old duo that have been artfully combined before, and Elinor Lipman, the New York-based bestselling

Politics and comedy are an age-old duo that have been artfully combined before, and Elinor Lipman, the New York-based bestselling author of nine novels, has recently been adding to the canon. Her chosen medium, however, marries a more unlikely and paradoxical couple: Twitter and poetry. In late June, Lipman announced that she would be tweeting a political poem every day until the 2012 presidential election, an impressive endeavor considering there were 497 days left until the general when she began. So far, she’s made good on her word, and the 140-character couplets have been more than amusing.

Here are a few of The Observer’s favorites: Read More

Poetical Tweets for the Political Junkie