Yesterday evening, we were chatting with The Root’s drummer ?uestlove about his secret fire eating talents at a party for Jay-Z’s foundation. After learning that he had almost singed off his signature afro, The Observer wondered what he thought about his pal’s team, the Brooklyn Nets. The drummer gave a surprising answer.
“I’ve been waiting for this!” he said about the team’s move to Brooklyn. But was more concerned with the Net’s new stadium than the team taking the court. “I’m really more curious about what Frank Gehry did to the stadium. I’m a big, big, big, big fan of Gehry’s,” he said. “So I’m really curious to see what radical reworking that he’s done to his work,” the drummer added with evident excitement.
?uestlove, we have some bad news for you: The storied architect was actually dropped from the project two years ago. Local hotshots SHoP were selected to design a new shell for the arena instead.
Fortunately the house drummer for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon can still get his Gehry fix. “I live in his building, that’s how much of a fan I am,” ?uestlove said. “I moved into one of his apartments.” So does he live in “New York” Gehry’s crooked creation at 8 Spruce? Or perhaps the Condé Nast cafeteria? If you can identify this doorknob, perhaps you’ll know the answer.