Goooood Morning, Silicon Alley! Gary Sharma’s Picks for the Week of Oct. 17: The Hubba Hubba Edition

This is a guest post from Gary Sharma (aka “The Guy with the Red Tie”), founder of GarysGuide, mentor at

This is a guest post from Gary Sharma (aka “The Guy with the Red Tie”), founder of GarysGuide, mentor at ER Accelerator and proud owner of a whole bunch of black suits, white shirts and, at last count, over 40 red ties. You can reach him at gary [at]

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Pssst, Wanna Help Raise Some Cache?
You know who wants to buy a ticket or three to Raise Cache, THE benefit fashion show everyone and their uncle is talking about being organized by the lovely Rebecca Zhou to help raise money & awareness for the amazing hackNY and to celebrate NY Tech and including some of New York’s finest ce-web-rities sashaying down the runway? ………. You! 😉

Hubba hubba hubba … yeah, thats the sound of a sexxxy new incubator + coworking space + community hangout, Hubitat, that will be landing soon right smack dab in the heart of our Silicon Alley / Flatiron / Shake Shack ‘hood. You heard it here first, folks. Now stay tuned for all the juicy details.

Deals, Deals And Mo’ Deals
Continuing the tradition of bringing u amazing deals & discounts, here are a few more including General Assembly classes, Dave McClure’s Warm Gun conference and more.

And now, lets see which parts of town are going to be “occupied” by tech startups this week…

Pivot Conference
The always bubblicious, social media guru Brian Solis is pivoting back in town this week with a slew of sessions, panels and speakers including Michael Saylor (CEO, MicroStrategy), Joe Fernandez (CEO, Klout), Stephanie Tilenius (Google), Jim Louderback (Revision3), Michele Edelman (Warner Bros) and more.
Monday, 9 a.m. @ Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan, 1605 Broadway

Brandhackers Targeting the Mobile Shopper Meetup
Do you love all things location & mobile related? Are u addicted to shopping? Well of course u do! In that case I guarantee you’re gonna like this month’s edition of Brandhackers.
Monday, 6:30 p.m. @ RedSky, 47 East 29th Street 2nd Floor

Ruby Nuby Meetup
Time to get ur weekly ruby on, yo.
Monday, 7:30 p.m. @ Warren Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer St

Digital Breakfast: Privacy Online – Risk v. Reward
Lets face it. Privacy is the topic du jour and you could really use some help in unscrambling what it all means. Bringing u up to speed on it will be John Abell (NYC Bureau Chief,, Leonard L. Gordon (Director, FTC Northeast), Jeff Jarvis (Author: Public Parts, Blogger: Buzzmachine and Director: CUNY Graduate School of Journalism) and Ira Rubinstein (Senior Fellow, Information Law Institute). Moderated by Jerry Spiegel (Partner, Frankfurt, Kurnit Klein and Selz).
Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. @ Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, 488 Madison Avenue 10th Floor

Bloomberg Empowered Entrepreneur Summit: Building the Next Billion Dollar Business
Bloomberg and TechStars smack it out of the ballpark with a top notch summit and a rockstar speaker list including Jeff Clavier, Andy Weissman, Esther Dyson, Roger Ehrenberg, Joe Fernandez, Eric Hippeau, Mike Maples, Naveen Selvadurai, Pete Cashmore, David Tisch, Brad Feld, Alexa Von Tobel, Matthew O’Brimer, Jen Hyman, Jen Bekman, Seth Pinsky and more. Bonus: live taping of the season finale of the techstars reality show.
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. @ Cedar Lake, 547 West 26th Street

NetDay New York: Startups in the City
Hear from two interesting startup founders – Iñaki Berenguer (CoFounder & CEO, Pixable) and Andrew Cohen (Founder & CEO, Brainscape).
Tuesday, 6 p.m. @ Instituto Cervantes, 211 E 49th Street

Rocking Out in the Empire State Building
If u thought there was going to be no more rocking out now that summer is over, well then u be dead wrong, my friend. I’m happy to say that the rocking out is not only back, it is badder than ever. The action has now moved from private rooftop terraces to Empire State Building suites. Are you ready to rock out, bro?!
Tuesday, 6 p.m. @ Empire State Building , 350 5th Avenue

How to Help Your Relationship Survive the Startup Life
Yes dear founder, u may find this mind boggling but ur startup is not actually ur wife / husband / significant other. Now go check out this event and let couples & family therapist Esther Perel and life coach Ann Mehl get ur lovelife back on track.
Tuesday, 6 p.m. @ General Assembly, 902 Broadway 4th Floor

MongoDB & Amazon EC2: A Love Story
Come hear what these two love birds have been up to and learn about monitoring, sharding and all that jazz.
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. @ ChartBeat Offices, 416 W 13th Street

Intro to PHP/MySQL with Girl Develop IT
Girls + Coding = Awesome 🙂
Tuesday, 7 p.m. @ AOL, 770 Broadway

Mashery Business of APIs 2011 Conference
Live, breathe and dream in the wonderful, wonderful world of API calls and json feeds? Then you’re in for a treat, my friend.
Wednesday, 1 p.m. @ Hudson Theater, 145 W 44th Street

The Art of Business Development: An Interview Series (with Smarterer,, Mashable, and GroupMe)
Okay, so you earned ur business wheelin’ and dealin’ stripes studying Sun Tzu’s Art of War. You then proceeded to wipe out all that hard earned knowledge by accidentally reading Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal. Now go make amends and re-master the Art of Business Development from Jennifer Fremont-Smith (Co-Founder & CEO, Smarterer), Ryan Fujiu (Senior Product & Biz Dev Manager,, Brian Dresher (Director Biz Dev, Mashable) and Steve Cheney (Head of Biz Dev, GroupMe). Moderated by Anand Chopra-McGowan.
Wednesday, 6 p.m. @ General Assembly, 902 Broadway 4th Floor

Bayesians, Frequentists, and Big Data: Musings on Statistics in the 21st Century
Mmmmmm. Big Data. Drooooool.
Wednesday, 6 p.m. @ Hilton Hotel, 1335 6th Avenue

New York Video October Meetup
The place to be this week to hang out with other online digital video startuppers. Demo’ing will be Jeff Lawrence (PlayLater.TV), Michael O’Keefe (Dreamframes), Marc Mulgrum (Anvato), Stephen Potter (Take-off Video) and more.
Thursday, 6 p.m. @ AOL HQ, 770 Broadway 6th Floor

Obliterati: Do You VYou?
Ce-web-rity paparazzi and guest-of-a-guest chronicler Nick McGlynn is back with another fun edition of Obliterati, the event where u get drunk silly and party hard with young new media types.
Thursday, 6 p.m. @ Sweet and Vicious, 5 Spring Street

NY Beta :: Launch Event
Following in the time honored tradition of awesome west coast events waking up to the realization that the east coast is where all the action is at ;), SF Beta launches NY Beta. Demo’ing will be AppSavvy, Findings, Get-a-game, Jun, Peek Analytics, Songza, TagWhat, and Worklight.
Thursday, 7 p.m. @ Studio 450, 450 W 31st Street

More on the horizon…
Launching Your Startup Idea with Michael Karnjanaprakorn on Oct 24 @ Skillshare HQ
TEDxSiliconAlley on Oct 27 @ Grey Advertising
Ignite: Lean Startup on Oct 27 at Pivotal Labs
Mashable Media Summit on Nov 4 @ The Times Center
CNet Gotham Live on Nov 9 @ Openhouse Gallery
Raise Cache: A Celebration of NY Tech and A Benefit for hackNY on Nov 17 @ State Armory

Until next week. Stay thirsty social, my friends!

Goooood Morning, Silicon Alley! Gary Sharma’s Picks for the Week of Oct. 17: The Hubba Hubba Edition