Jeffrey Eugenides’s Vest Speaks: ‘The Most Famous Hermaphroditic Vest in History’

“I am a vest who has appeared on a Times Square billboard and many other fine photos that have included

“I am a vest who has appeared on a Times Square billboard and many other fine photos that have included Jeffrey Eugenides,” says the Twitter description for @EugenidesVest, the outlet for the most ignominious item in the wardrobe of the novelist Jeffrey Eugenides. The vest gained national prominence after being featured in a billboard in Times Square, where it is shown flapping in the wind as Mr. Eugenides strides forth.

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Mr. Eugenides has a long essay up at The Millions today about writing The Marriage Plot, but we’re more interested in the wisdom dispensed by the vest. It really gets around town.

Jeffrey Eugenides’s Vest Speaks: ‘The Most Famous Hermaphroditic Vest in History’