Pallone raises $321K to lead 3Q fundraising

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October quarterly fundraising totals for the New Jersey Congressional Delegation show veteran U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6) raising the most money from June 30 to Sept. 30 of this year, followed by U.S. Rep. Jon Runyan (R-3) and U.S. Rep. Rush Holt (D-12).

Pallone raised $321,218 this quarter and has $3.4 million in the bank, still the biggest campaign warchest in the delegation. Runyan raised $244,824 and has $378,843 cash on hand.  Holt raised $261, 293 this quarter and has $511,109 in his coffers.

After Pallone, the biggest warchests in descending order belong to U.S. Rep Steve Rothman (D-9) ($1.7 million), U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett (R-5) ($1.6 million), U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-8) ($1.4 million), and U.S. Rep. Donald Payne (D-10) ($1.2 million).

A complete list follows with 3Q receipts listed vertically, followed by 3Q disbursements and cash on hand…


2011 3rd Quarter Fundraising
New Jersey Delegation


Member  3Q Receipts 
 3Q Disbursements
 Cash on Hand 
NJ01  Andrews   $  128,866.94  $      184,981.47  $      205,181.44
NJ02  LoBiondo   $  136,108.98  $      102,666.91   $      687,022.18
NJ03  Runyan   $  244,824.31  $        70,348.13  $      378,843.30
NJ04  Smith   $   27,690.69  $        44,771.01  $      146,176.57
NJ05  Garrett   $  225,677.43  $        63,726.39  $   1,564,353.90
NJ06  Pallone   $  321,218.71  $      123,664.38  $   3,420,668.57  
NJ07  Lance   $  168,142.00  $        25,927.72  $      415,390.00  
NJ08  Pascrell   $  195,339.99  $        76,439.19  $   1,434,187.50
NJ09  Rothman   $  109,498.84  $      113,561.27  $   1,745,093.46  
NJ10  Payne   $    18,750.00  $        19,490.69  $   1,196,311.37  
NJ11  Frelinghuysen   $  123,354.66  $        44,296.87  $      450,930.11
NJ12  Holt   $  261,293.63    $      113,301.07  $      511,108.81  
NJ13  Sires   $  133,150.00  $        61,551.54  $      216,571.89

Disbursements this quarter:

Andrews: $184,981.47

LoBiondo: $102,666.91

Runyan: $70,348.13

Smith: $44,771.01

Garrett: $63,726.39

Pallone: $123,664.38

Lance: $25,927.72

Pascrell: $76,439.19

Rothman: $113,561.27

Payne: $19,490.69

Frelinghuysen: $44,296.87

Holt: $113,301.07

Sires: $61,551.54 

Cash on hand:

 Andrews: $ 205,181.44

LoBiondo: $ 687,022.18

Runyan: $378,843.30

Smith: $ 146,176.57

Garrett: $1,564,353.90

Pallone:  $3,420,668.57  

 Lance: $ 415,390.00  

 Pascrell: $ 1,434,187.50

Rothman: $1,745,093.46  

Payne: $1.196.311.37

Frelinghuysen: $450,930.11

Holt: 511,108.81  

Sires: $216,571.89

Pallone raises $321K to lead 3Q fundraising