What Will WPIX’s “Sexy Stewie” Halloween Float Look Like?

Today in ghoulish news, FishbowlNY reports that local New York station WPIX will not only broadcast the annual Village Halloween


Today in ghoulish news, FishbowlNY reports that local New York station WPIX will not only broadcast the annual Village Halloween parade, but will take part in it as well. The theme for their float? “Stewie’s Sexy Dance Party” from Family Guy. That is terrifying.

This is the actual clip from Seth MacFarlane‘s cartoon titled “Stewie’s Sexy Dance Party”:

All ideas of child pornography aside, the image of a grown man wearing a diaper and a giant Stewie head while dancing around suggestively is the stuff of nightmares. And considering the numerous allusions the show has made to Stewie’ sexual preferences, we’re really interested in seeing how CW’s flagship station avoids attracting unwarranted attention from concerned citizens and NAMBLA members alike.

WPIX may have just provided us with the season’s most hilarious train wreck. Tune in Saturday, October 29th starting at 7:30 p.m., to watch what we’re sure will be one of the most disturbing Halloween parades ever!

What Will WPIX’s “Sexy Stewie” Halloween Float Look Like?