Tonight, the Occupy Wall Street movement has plans to occupy Zuccotti Park, Foley Square and even the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges. For up-to-the-moment coverage follow Observer reporters Hunter Walker, Drew Grant, and Emily Witt on Twitter as they track the Occupy Wall Street action on the scene from downtown New York City tonight. Editors Elizabeth Spiers and Megan McCarthy will be live tweeting as well. We’ll be collecting all tweets, pictures, and observations in this post for comprehensive view of tonight’s activity, and sharing them in this post and on the @newyorkobserver Twitter account.
8:53 p.m.
Statue of liberty visits Brooklyn lockerz.com/s/157093856
8:51 p.m.
People in Cadman Plaza apartments flickered their lights as protesters crossed the bridge
8:48 p.m.
Protesters on people’s mic at entrance to park in BK: “There is a GA on the other side … if you would like to get on stack walk faster:”
8:27 p.m.
We are stopped at the end of the bridge in Brooklyn slow descent down to the street #ows
8:25 p.m. Bloomberg Spokesperson Admits Arresting Credentialed Reporters, Reading The Awl
7:54 p.m.
People’s library now mobile three units on march tonight in carts #OWS
7:51 p.m.
The peoples library lives! #BrooklynBridge pic.twitter.com/o4oCjZrU

7:47 p.m.
Verizon building protesters reading along with projection, cars honking #BrooklynBridge pic.twitter.com/ZroS8v23
7:46 p.m.
Protesters on bridge just did mic check: “look around you are a part of a global uprising” cars on manhattan bound side honking in support
7:45 p.m.
Protesters cheered loudest when the projection flashing on side of Verison building said “occupy earth” and “we are winning”
7:44 p.m.
Projection on Verizon building! #ows lockerz.com/s/157077187

7:14 p.m.
The scene at the Brooklyn Bridge right now: twitpic.com/7fk5ss
7:07 p.m.
NYPD is keeping marchers on the sidewalk this crowd is not moving
7:04 p.m.
Protesters are backed up at Centre and Chambers chanting “Let us through” and “Hey hey, ho ho, these barricades have got to go”
7:02 p.m.
One person walking opposite to crowd yelled, “what are you going to do in Brooklyn? The city is getting rid of you!” #OWS
6:59 p.m.
Very peaceful at bridge so far nobody has tried to take the street as far as I can tell #OWS
6:50 p.m. The Observer has confirmed that NYC City Council members Jumaane Williams and Melissa Mark Viverito were arrested today at Occupy Wall Street.
6:45 p.m.
Police:” you are reminded to remain on the walkway as you cross the bridge”
6:41 p.m.
At foot of bridge protesters singing This Little Light of Mine apparently have permit for pedestrian walkway #occupywallstreet
6:36 p.m.
Small group of protesters shouting: “More walk, less talk!”
6:35 p.m.
Passing city hall one protester offers Bloomberg the “1% salute.” guess which finger. #BrooklynBridge #occupywallstreet
6:35 p.m.
KRS One just got on the mic in Foley Square he asked protesters to pick up litter on their way out, “Occupy a garbage container.”
6:31 p.m.
Heading towards the bridge now marchers carrying tea lights #occupywallstreet #N17
6:28 p.m.
Marchers distributing electric votive candles passing city hall
6:26 p.m.
Heavy smell of pot smoke hanging in air at Southwestern edge of Foley Square. Someone at #n17 #occupywallstreet is having a good time.
6:25 p.m.
We are going west on chambers away from bridge but appears looping back around
6:19 p.m.
Marchers going into park at foot of Brooklyn bridge #ows

6:17 p.m.
The Calvary is all lined up at Chambers and centre streets #horsies #occupywallstreet pic.twitter.com/6jHRPIOT
6:17 p.m.
Woman just announced to Foley Square crowd, “I need people to start filing out now.” Marchers are officially on the move to Brooklyn Bridge.
6:15 p.m.
Guy on megaphone at #n17 #occupywallstreet rally in foley square “its not violent to interrupt people, its not violent to stop traffic”
6:13 p.m.
Big crowd amassing at foot of Brooklyn bridge #FoleySquare #n17 #occupywallstreet
6:07 p.m.
Police pushed back barrier even farther got hectic for a minute there #FoleySquare #n17 pic.twitter.com/0MwoNW1p
6:02 p.m.
The rap has started again “I am a US ambassador of hip hop … and we have Brooklyn in the house”
5:59 p.m.
Woman on megaphone: “we’re going to celebrate the brooklyn bridge” #n17 #occupywallstreet
5:58 p.m.
Bum rushing barriers with cheers to open the streets. Looks like pushed back #FoleySquare #N17 pic.twitter.com/V7xAuyLF
5:58 p.m.
“We’re going to come together in the largest convergence ever this summer” – man on foley sq. Megaphone moments ago #n17 #occupywallstreet
5:54 p.m.
Some calls to march but no movement yet #FoleySquare #N17
5:50 p.m.
Some guys chanting “burn the bridge” next to me #N17 #FoleySquare
5:17 p.m.
NYCLU rep tells us this crowd at Foley Square intends to march across the Brooklyn Bridge next.
5:09 p.m.
The Zuccotti Park is rounding East side of City Hall park chanting “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out” en route to Foley Square
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