Morning Links: After Libya Embarrassment, Herman Cain Campagin Is Twice Shy

Bloomberg’s media team is in “war room mode.” [Capital NY] Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign Up Thank you

Bloomberg’s media team is in “war room mode.” [Capital NY]

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The Wall Street Journal didn’t run an op-ed which said that global warming is real in its US edition, although it ran online and in European editions. [CJR]

Lots of passive aggressive e-mailing going on over at TechCrunch/AOL/Huffington Post. [Forbes]

Conservative hotelier Doug Manchester bought the San Diego Times-Union for $110 million. [NY Times]

Howard Stern knows nothing about the rumors he’s taking over for Piers Morgan on America’s Got Talent, but he seems game. [Page Six]

Judging by Rick Perr’s $1 m. ad buy, it’s going to be a long lucrative season for Fox News. [Ad Age]

Herman Cain canceled his interview with New Hampshire’s Union Leader after an interview at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel yielded a viral video revealing Mr. Cain’s foreign policy ignorance. [Cutline]


Morning Links: After Libya Embarrassment, Herman Cain Campagin Is Twice Shy