Morning Links: Matthew Freud's PR Campaign for Elisabeth Murdoch

Matthew Freud is helping Elisabeth Murdoch survive News Corp. turmoil and grab succession from her brother James. [New York] Sign

Matthew Freud is helping Elisabeth Murdoch survive News Corp. turmoil and grab succession from her brother James. [New York]

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Rebekah Brooks’s severance package included 1.7 M GBP, a limousine, and an office. [Guardian]

Former MTV News Correspondent Suchin Pak is now at Daily Candy. [Adweek]

Dawn Ostroff, the head of Conde Nast’s new entertainment division, is opening a Los Angeles office to make sure the magazine publisher gets a cut of projects like The September Issue. [WWD]

Confrontational David Carr thinks Anderson Cooper’s daytime show, Anderson, is “squirm-inducing.” He wrote: “When I pointed this out to Mr. Cooper — and said some other rugged things about the show — he, oddly, was not defensive.” [NY Times]

In retrospect, WikiLeaks didn’t entirely revolutionize information/journalism/secrecy. Worse, we can never have back the hours we spent reading about why it would. [NY Times]

A month after stepping down from his position at 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney passed away at age 92. [CBS]

Herman Cain is considering suing Politico over the sexual harassment story. [Yahoo]




Morning Links: Matthew Freud's PR Campaign for Elisabeth Murdoch