The New York Times stopped the presses to put Christopher Hitchens’s obituary on A1. [Atlantic]
The Parent Television Council called NBC’s hiring of Howard Stern for America’s Got Talent “an act of desperation for a flailing network.” [Forbes]
Fox News may not be flailing financially, but its graphics are a mess. [Cutline]
Former Representative John LeBoutillier, co-host of Fox News’s online show “Campaign Confidential, admitted that Newt Gingrich’s suspended Fox News contract might have something to do with his on-air spats. [Politico]
Charlie Rose and Lara Logan are reviving Person to Person on CBS. Edward R. Murrow hosted the original from 1953-1961. It is known as “low Murrow.” [Decoder]
Sports channels drive the cost of cable up. [NY Times]
Most print newspapers will be gone in five years, according to a study out of USC Annenberg. Most earthlings will be gone in almost exactly one year, according to the ancient Mayan calendar. [LA Weekly]
An online scammer targeted fans of Ellen DeGeneres. [The Hollywood Reporter]