It may be the holiday season, but Public Advocate Bill Deblasio delivered some much-deserved coal to the city’s worst landlords today. For the second year in a row, the public advocate’s office compiled a list of the city’s worst landlords, up to 358 across all five boroughs.
The public advocate has created a new Watch List 2.0, which lets New Yorkers see if their building is on the list and to spot trends on building improvements and new deficiencies. The shame campaign appears to be working since 176 landlords who made the list last year are poised to be removed for fixing up their properties.
The Observer took a closer look at the 10 worst landlords on the list, more than half of whom own properties in the Bronx. The worst two building happen to be in Brooklyn though, one in Crown Heights with 654 violations and another with 422 violations in a six-unit row house, which averages out to the most violations per unit of any other.
It takes at least two serious violations to make the list, of the worst landlord, 1071 Home Corp has 227 serious violations and 1,187 total spread across eight buildings in the Bronx and Northern Manhattan. That is almost twice as many violations as the next worst landlord. You can take a closer look at these properties in the accompanying slideshow.