George Maragos Says He's Already Put $1 Million Into His Senate Campaign

Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos, who’s running in the GOP primary against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, has recently given his campaign

George Maragos

Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos, who’s running in the GOP primary against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, has recently given his campaign a big boost in the form of a million dollars, he announced at a Sunday event hosted by the Brooklyn Tea Party.

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Mr. Maragos, a former Vice President at Chase and Citicorp, had already acknowledged in a December Capital Tonight interview that he would commit up to $5 million into his own campaign if he got the Republican nomination, and that he had placed around $120,000 into his primary thus far.

But now it seems he has significantly expanded his investment. “By the way, in the financial disclosure that I’m making, as of December 31st, I’ve already put a million dollars into my campaign account,” Mr. Maragos said in response to a question about how he’d compete financially on such a large stage.

Even with the cash infusion, the Republican candidate will have his work cut out for him against Senator Gillibrand, who’s known as a strong fundraiser. In the most recent filing, she reported having over $7 million dollars cash on hand.

A number of other candidates are also considering the race, and some are waiting to see if former New York State Comptroller candidate  Harry Wilson is willing to take the plunge.

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George Maragos Says He's Already Put $1 Million Into His Senate Campaign