The Huffington Post’s Twitter account was hacked Sunday afternoon and it wasn’t even fun, just offensive. In a rapid-fire series of tweets containing grandiloquent soliloquies like “hello gay boys” and “lol wes is a gay boy,” a hacker who claimed the nom de hack “cloverfdch” locked the feed down tight, amusing and puzzling HuffPo’s 1.5 million or so followers for several minutes until he was locked out again and HuffPo resumed tweeting links to its posts as if nothing had happened.
The closest cloverfdch came to having real fun may have been the tweet (not captured in the screengrab at the end of this post) that read, “Sup bitches??? Hacked by: New York Post.”
It may have been a coincidence but Ashton Kutcher’s famed @aplusk account was also hacked at the same time. Kutcher was quickly on top of the problem, even though his Foursquare account was compromised as well. Kutcher had a warning for the hacker:
Ok mr hacker, you only made one mistake. You hacked my Foursquare and I now know your address. Whoops…. This is gonna be fun.
— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) January 15, 2012
If cloverfdch was responsible for both hacks, his or her response to Kutcher’s warning is pretty easy to imagine.