Morning Links: Which Anchors ate Thyme Seabass with Obama?

Shephard Smith, Diane Sawyer, Brian Williams Scott Pelley, Bret Baier, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, George Stephanopoulos and Melissa Block ate

Shephard Smith, Diane Sawyer, Brian Williams Scott Pelley, Bret Baier, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, George Stephanopoulos and Melissa Block ate thyme sea bass at the White House while President Obama previewed his State of the Union address, off the record, per tradition. [HuffPo]

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Unless you’re Lisbeth Salander, don’t even thinking about promising your sources anonymity. [CJR]

Jill Abramson went to Davos. [Capital NY]

Rebekah Brooks did not. [DealBook]

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New York Times, and Fox News Latino miscounted how many State of the Union speeches Obama has given. [Poynter]

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Morning Links: Which Anchors ate Thyme Seabass with Obama?