Chris Brown continues to showcase how much he’s learned from the all-too-brief public shaming after physically assaulting Rihanna–and Twitter continues to serve as a convenient conduit for celebrity embarrassment. Mr. Brown, who went on a Twitter jag after criticism of the Grammys’ allowing him to perform just three years after his attack, wrote a series of Tweets to his “haters.” These culminate in: “HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY. Now! That’s the ultimate FUCK OFF.”
(Rihanna, Mr. Brown’s onetime victim, is a six-time Grammy-winner, including two won this year.)
With the entire episode having been deleted, his most recent Tweet reads “Be HAPPY!” Mr. Brown’s account has nearly 8 million followers, many of them among the soi-disant “Team Breezy” that proclaim to support Mr. Brown no matter what.