Confirmed: Charges Against Greg Kelly Won’t Be Filed (and Text Messages Might Have Been His Salvation)

The Daily News‘ report was true. The Observer now has the statement from the Manhattan D.A.’s office concerning Good Day

The Daily News‘ report was true. The Observer now has the statement from the Manhattan D.A.’s office concerning Good Day New York host—and police comissioner Ray Kelly’s son—Greg Kelly, and the sexual assault accusations against him. Via a spokesperson from the D.A.’s office:

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“Earlier today, the District Attorney’s Office sent a letter to Andrew Lankler notifying him that we would not be filing charges against his client. We made a similar notification to the complainant. From the moment this matter was referred to this Office, we conducted a thorough investigation, consistent with standard practice. That investigation included interviewing numerous fact and expert witnesses, and reviewing and analyzing multiple items of physical evidence, including, but not limited to, receipts, security logs, text messages, and telephone records. After reviewing all the evidence, we have concluded that the established facts do not constitute a crime under New York criminal law.”

The letter Mr. Kelly’s lawyer Andrew Lankler received was essentially the same, except signed by Martha Bashford, chief of the Sex Crimes Unit in the D.A.’s office.

Joe Pompeo at Capital New York has a statement from Mr. Kelly, in which he thanks, among others, his publicist Ken Sunshine and Good Day NY co-host Rosanna Scotto. | @weareyourfek

Confirmed: Charges Against Greg Kelly Won’t Be Filed (and Text Messages Might Have Been His Salvation)