Morning Links: Humor Chic’s Fashion Week Debut

Humor Chic’s perverse and sometimes funny illustrations of designers and editors–which have filled style reporters’ inboxes for many seasons–will be

Humor Chic’s perverse and sometimes funny illustrations of designers and editors–which have filled style reporters’ inboxes for many seasons–will be printed and distributed at Fashion Week by people in Anna Wintour masks. [WWD]

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The Cut’s Amy O’Dell launching a women’s vertical at BuzzFeed. [WWD]

Mike Huckabee gunning for Limbaugh with a new radio show. [NY Times]

David Remnick <3 Barack Obama [Capital NY]

Guardian Media sold PaidContent to GigaOm. [Yahoo!]

PR firms keeping dossiers on reporters: creepy, but ethical. [Gawker]

To date, News Corp. has spent $104 M. cleaning up the phone hacking mess. [Capital NY]

CNN’s Roland Martin suspended for homophobic tweets. [Washington Post]

Greg Kelly will be back on the air tomorrow. [Daily News]

Forbes executive editor Brett Nelson stepped down, will be replaced by managing editor Tom Post. [Politico]

Morning Links: Humor Chic’s Fashion Week Debut