Morning Read: No Senate Honor for Houston; Toxic Times for Teachers and City Hall; Explaining Romney In England

State Senate GOP quashed an effort by State Sen. Eric Adams to honor Whitney Houston. Sign Up For Our Daily

State Senate GOP quashed an effort by State Sen. Eric Adams to honor Whitney Houston.

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At his annual State of the Judiciary address, chief judge Jonathan Lippman said that instituting new safeguards against wrongful convictions and raising the age at which criminal defendants are considered adults should be top priorities of legislators and the legal community in New York.

City officials pushed back against growing criticism of the Fresh Direct deal in the Bronx.

Andrew Cuomo said that language in his budget that seemed like a power grab may sound “ominous” to legislators, but is actually about increasing government efficiency.

Larry Schwartz, Gov. Cuomo’s chief of staff, had to step into the negotiations between the teachers’ union and the Bloomberg administration after they had grown toxic.

The head of the state’s school boards association said that the problem with the teacher evaluation system is that it gives teachers too much say over how they will be evaluated.

Gov. Cuomo won’t use the power of the purse to force the UFT and Bloomberg to come to a deal.

Intelligence officials are concerned that Iran is targeting New York City for an attack.

The Post says that Nick Spano’s trip to prison is a temporary detour before he resumes a lucrative lobbying career.

Calling the stop-and-frisk system “racism,” Manhattan BP Scott Stringer called on Mayor Bloomberg to speak out against it.

Upper West Side residents aren’t happy that Fashion Week is taking over a local park.

Affluent and foreign parents living in New York temporarily are increasingly sending their children to public school.

Occupy Newark–one of the few remaining Occupy encampments–was evicted.

New York will seek a $2 billion loan from the federal government to help pay for the replacement of the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Al Pirro was caught on tape telling developers that he could get a Westchester lawmaker’s approval for a project by offering an associate of hers a job.

Streaming broadcast TV is coming to New York.

Christian Lorentzen explains the Romney phenomenon to his English readership.

Mark Blumenthal sees a Republican race that will see more front-runners as time goes on.

Rick Santorum’s shoestring presidential campaign is challenging a basic tenet of presidential politics--that the process rewards campaigns that assemble a large, nationwide infrastructure, financed by huge fund-raising teams.

Santorum is up over Romney in Ohio.

Could Santorum in fact be a better Republican opponent to Barack Obama than Mitt Romney?

After several irregularities, Republicans are calling for reform of the caucus format.

No one expects Newt Gingrich to step aside.

Morning Read: No Senate Honor for Houston; Toxic Times for Teachers and City Hall; Explaining Romney In England