Tonight in DVR: 500 Days of January with The Roommate

January’s over now–meaning that the movies will slowly get a little better until summer. (April’s a really underrated moviegoing month.)

Who's rooming with whom?

January’s over now–meaning that the movies will slowly get a little better until summer. (April’s a really underrated moviegoing month.) But the quintessential January movies–schlocky, cheap in every sense, poorly acted by stars either slowly rising or rapidly falling–live on year-round on premium cable. Tonight, enjoy watching two television actresses torment one another in The Roommate, a film for which the term “psychological thriller” seems far too collegiate. It’s our generation’s Fatal Attraction, with all the witlessness and diminishing returns that implies–you’ll love it.

Set your DVR for Starz at 10:50.

Tonight in DVR: 500 Days of January with The Roommate