Virginia Heffernan Took a Times Buyout, Headed to Yahoo to be James Lipton

The New York Times opinion writer Virginia Heffernan has taken a newsroom buyout, Politico reports. She’s headed to Yahoo News,

The New York Times opinion writer Virginia Heffernan has taken a newsroom buyout, Politico reports. She’s headed to Yahoo News, where she will write a weekly column about the intersection of technology and politics in the 2012 election and host a video interview series.

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“I want to talk to tech people, and new media directors for the various campaigns, in an ‘Inside The Actors Studio’ format,” Ms. Heffernan told Politico’s Dylan Byers. “Really, all I want to do is be James Lipton.”


Virginia Heffernan Took a Times Buyout, Headed to Yahoo to be James Lipton