What Should The Kodak Theatre Rename Itself?

Word has it that, in light of its bankruptcy filing, Kodak is attempting to get out of its naming-rights deal with the home of the Academy Awards. This is incredible news! What movies are shot on film these days, anyhow? This is a great chance to get the theater named after a thematically appropriate company! Here are some suggestions for companies the Academy should get on the phone to ensure both funding and an on-trend name! [gallery columns="1"]  

Word has it that, in light of its bankruptcy filing, Kodak is attempting to get out of its naming-rights deal with the home of the Academy Awards. This is incredible news! What movies are shot on film these days, anyhow? This is a great chance to get the theater named after a thematically appropriate company! Here are some suggestions for companies the Academy should get on the phone to ensure both funding and an on-trend name!

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