Assemblyman Rory Lancman’s campaign rumbles on.
This morning, he announced the endorsement of Communications Workers of America Local 1182, based in the northeastern Queens Congressional District he is campaigning for. In a statement, Local 1182 President James Huntley said his decision was based off of Mr. Lancman’s time in the State Assembly.
“Time-and-time again, when we had a worker safety issue, needed a leader on key legislation or needed someone who understands the dangers we face on the job every day, we looked to Rory Lancman,” Mr. Huntley said. “We need more people like Rory in Washington – people who will fight for the things that working families value and have the drive and work ethic to get things done. On behalf of our members, we are proud to endorse Rory Lancman for Congress.”
A week ago, Mr. Lancman announced the endorsement of the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union.
Labor endorsements are more impactful than usual this election cycle as the federal courts have placed the primary date for congressional elections on a different day than the rest of the state’s elections and Albany refused to move the other date to match the federal one. Thus the Democratic primary Mr. Lancman is competing in will literally be the only race on the ballot and turnout operations will define the race.
Another candidate in the race, Assemblywoman Grace Meng, has been endorsed by the Queens Democratic establishment and almost every elected official in the district, and obviously has her own key turnout operation in her back pocket.
Councilwoman Liz Crowley is also campaigning for the June 26th Democratic primary, the winner of which is all but sure to face GOP Councilman Dan Halloran in the general election.