The Village Voice Racism Feud Ends With Airing of Emails, Drinks In Brooklyn

Yesterday when The Village Voice(‘s only full-time African-American) journalist Steven Thrasher threw down his glove and challenged “newbie” Runnin’ Scared

Round two: K.O.!

Yesterday when The Village Voice(‘s only full-time African-American) journalist Steven Thrasher threw down his glove and challenged “newbie” Runnin’ Scared blogger James King to a public duel over some perceived “casual racism” in Mr. King’s blog posts, we were ready to get our Facebook invite to the smack-down of the century. In fact, we emailed both writers and asked for comments.

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While Mr. Thrasher never replied, Mr. King told us he would be officially responding in a post today. Which he did, in an article called “Hey, Steven Thrasher, James King Here — Nice To ‘Meet’ You!

So let’s check out the stats on that:

Word Count
Mr. Thrasher: 1363
Mr. King’s: 2169

Winner: Mr. Thrasher…though both responses are waaaay too long. Keep it bloggy-short, people! Make your points and get out.

Publicly releasing email correspondences:
Mr. Thrasher: No
Mr. King: Yes…in fact, that’s what makes his post so long. Mr. King is angry that Mr. Thrasher never responded to his email response over the lynching photo, so when Mr. Thrasher finally did write back after his piece went live, Mr. King published the whole exchange. Mr. Thrasher appears to have backed down from his fight!

I wrote what I felt like I needed to write yesterday, and obviously, I can understand what you’re saying and respect your reaction. I won’t, of course, say anything else publicly.

It’s not my place to weigh in on what you write, and I won’t interfere with your work again. As for yesterday, I will have to deal with the consequences of my actions.

If you’re still willing, I’m happy to meet you and am in Brooklyn (downtown/Ft. Greene) as well. I have a big feature deadline due at the end of the day which I’m cranking away on, but I’m free in the evening, and tomorrow evening as well, if either work for you.

Thanks for being willing to talk with me.


Winner: It depends on your stance on publishing private inter-office emails. Now, apparently none of these were off the record by default of no one saying “off the record” , but we’ll give it to Mr. King for getting his opponent to admit that he will “have to deal with the consequences of his actions.” And agreeing to a drink in Brooklyn.

The Village Voice Racism Feud Ends With Airing of Emails, Drinks In Brooklyn