Odd Future’s Tyler the Creator Is Not Happy That Instagram Is Now on Android: ‘EWW’

In its first day on the Android platform, Instagram, the massively-popular photo-sharing service that’s already captivated the Steve Jobs set,

Mr. The Creator

In its first day on the Android platform, Instagram (META), the massively-popular photo-sharing service that’s already captivated the Steve Jobs set, clocked 1 million downloads. But not everyone is pleased.

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As it turns out, Odd Future’s tyler the creator, who has 20,685 followers on Instagram and was recently voted the top rapper to follow, is something of an Android-hater. Yesterday, the outspoken 21-year-old tweeted out the following:


Eww, indeed. This from the same charmer whose Twitter bio reads “I AM NOT A DYKE”? Quel surprise!

Don’t fret Android users, you’re in good company. Odd Future fanatics will recall the rapper once lyrically threatened B.o.B. and Bruno Mars.

Odd Future’s Tyler the Creator Is Not Happy That Instagram Is Now on Android: ‘EWW’