To get a flavor of these Don Imus/Peter King conversations, you don’t have to get much beyond Mr. Imus’ first words: “You are the most insincere bastard I have ever talked to.”
The subject of this session was the ongoing Secret Service prostitution scandal, and after Mr. King deplored the agents behavior, Mr. Imus asked him, “What do you do now? Just grandstand with a stupid hearing or what?”
Mr. King for once however did not take the bait, and said he didn’t see the need for hearings, grandstanding or not.
“No, actually. My counter-terrorism investigators are investigating it. I am in constant contact with the Secret Service itself,” Mr. King said. “I am talking to people from previous administrations as to how they feel it is going to play out, what should be looked at. We have sources obviously throughout the law enforcement community, we are talking to them. We are tracking down every piece of information. If my investigators find the same information the Secret Service does, and we agree, I don’t necessarily see the purpose of a hearing as to what happened, if everybody ends up agreeing on what happened. But there certainly could be a hearing about what the Secret Service is going to do to prevent this from happening in the future.”
Mr. Imus though would not take this kind of sober talk from Mr. King, and quickly turned the conversation to Anthony Weiner.
“By the way have you reached out to your friend Congressman Weiner yet?”
“Why do you keep bringing up poor Anthony Weiner,” Mr. King responded. Are you saying Anthony Weiner was the twelfth man in Colombia?”
Take a look: