Goldstein: ‘referenda are not tests of popular will but of fundraising’

In anticipation of Gov. Chris Christie’s response to President Barack Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality, the founder and CEO of

In anticipation of Gov. Chris Christie’s response to President Barack Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality, the founder and CEO of Garden State Equality called on the governor to rethink his characterization of the subject.

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Personally opposed to gay marriage, Christie wants the people to decide the issue in a ballot question, but Stephen Goldstein said today in an email to reporters that that’s not good enough, in his opinion. 

“So referenda are not tests of popular will – they’re tests of fundraising,” Goldstein said. “It’s time for our Governor – whom, as you all know, I like very much on a personal level – to stop telling you that a referendum would let the people decide.  No it won’t – it would let PACs and political consultants decide. No way in hell should the civil rights of my partner and I, and other gay people, be subject to the corruption of big political money.” 

Goldstein: ‘referenda are not tests of popular will but of fundraising’