Pat Kiernan vs. Nick Lachey: Potential Kelly! Hosts Release Rivaling Musical Numbers (Video)

Beloved NY1 anchor, new Williamsburg resident, and object of many a New Yorker’s cult fandom Pat Kiernan has now done

Beloved NY1 anchor, new Williamsburg resident, and object of many a New Yorker’s cult fandom Pat Kiernan has now done multiple stints on Live, With Kelly! as one of the rotating guest hosts. His spots on the show have inspired a campaign to make him the full-time co-host of the show alongside Kelly Ripa. But he has competition. And he will address that competition ruthlessly.

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Recently, former Jessica Simpson beau Nick Lachey—who has also done guest stints on Kelly! released a video of himself in the rapture of song, arguing his case for the job.

Not one to be shown up, Pat Kiernan teamed up with the Ice Theater of New York to submit his own entry: A take on Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline,” cleverly reworked for the lyrics “Sweet Kelly R.” This is one Canadian who will not go down without a fight (in song): | @weareyourfek

Pat Kiernan vs. Nick Lachey: Potential Kelly! Hosts Release Rivaling Musical Numbers (Video)