Cat Marnell’s xoJane Tenure Immortalized by Graffito

SAY Media execs think Jane Pratt‘s xoJane will be just fine without star persona Cat Marnell. But will the next beauty editor

(via Instagram)

SAY Media execs think Jane Pratt‘s xoJane will be just fine without star persona Cat Marnell. But will the next beauty editor get Ms. Pratt’s name tagged downtown? Also, who volunteers to throw up “JONAH LEHRER + DAVID REMNICK?” Eh? Eh? [WWD]

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Layoffs hit (again) because Wenner Media is (finally) integrating its print and digital operations. Managing editor Evie Nagy and associate editor Matthew Perpetua are among those who are leaving. [Poynter]

Former Ethicist Ariel Kaminer is back on Times Metro, covering higher ed. [Capital NY]

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel still figuring out Twitter. [Twitter]

New York Times likes former public editor Daniel Okrent‘s play. [NY Times]

Were some Egyptian news outlets led to believe Hosni Mubarak was dead in order to facilitate his move from prison to a hospital? We can’t imagine why else someone would use the hedgy term “clinically dead,” anyway.  [NY Times]

Tedious music industry types berate honest NPR intern. [NY Times]

The New York Post quietly scaled back its iPad paywall. [Forbes]

Details curated three special editions of Bespoke Post, which is like Birchbox for boys. (Sister magazine Glamour partnered up with Birchbox recently too.) [Details]

Cat Marnell’s xoJane Tenure Immortalized by Graffito