By now, you may have heard about Massachusetts English teacher David McCullough Jr., who told the graduating class of Wellesley High School that they were “not special” and “none of you is special” nine times during a commencement speech last week. If not, you totally need to watch it. It’s bonkers!
Who tells kids that they aren’t the special little snowflakes that their parents told them that they were? With unemployment remaining steady and less jobs than ever available for Lena Dunhams of the world, this funny, kick-in-the-pants speech is perhaps the greatest motivator these children will ever get.
But of course, it has its detractors. Mr. McCullough Jr. (son of author David McCullough) has been forced to defend his words.
On CBS This Morning, Mr. McCullough Jr. told critics that considered his words too harsh that this was the real world, saying:
“I’ve been teaching high-school kids for 26 years, And in that time, one comes to see what kids need to be told. These are wonderful kids, and one grows very fond of them and proud of them. That doesn’t mean you should indulge them with platitudes or false encouragement,” he continued. “I wanted to give them a notion that with their privilege comes responsibility.”
Of course, he could of just said that last part and contended with all the anti-Spider-Man dissenters, but so be it. We stand behind Mr. McCullough’s comments 1000 percent. Except when it comes to us, the unique, special individuals of the New York Observer.