On the ground in Hackensack: BCRO voters go to the polls to choose a chairman

HACKENSACK – This turned into bedlam, or very near to it, and as he roamed the Bergen County Republican Organization

HACKENSACK – This turned into bedlam, or very near to it, and as he roamed the Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO) headquarters this evening, Frank Valenzuela repeatedly said, “I’m disgusted,” and received no argument.

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No one could remember a fight for the chairmanship this contentious.

In and among the packed bodies coming off the street stood BCRO Chairman Bob Yudin and one of his two challengers, Anthony Rottino, hitting hands for last-minute votes.

A third challenger, attorney John McCann, was also in the Main Street headquarters.

Much of the 11th-hour prognosticating centered around whether or not one of the three men tonight would be able to get to 50% plus one and win the job.

State Sen. Gerald Cardinale (R-39) stood staunchly with Yudin, and most off the record observers counted the 39th as Yudin’s biggest base of support.

Rottino is said to have a chunk of South Bergen and LD 40, including an alliance with state Sen. Kevin O’Toole (R-40).

On the ground in Hackensack: BCRO voters go to the polls to choose a chairman