RNC Spokesman Says The Obama Campaign Brought Cory Booker ‘Back From The ‘Dead”

Newark Mayor Cory Booker says the fact he’s co-hosting a fundraiser for President Barack Obama tonight should prove rumors he

Cory Booker at an Obama rally. (Photo: Getty)
Newark Mayor Cory Booker says the fact he’s co-hosting a fundraiser for President Barack Obama tonight should prove rumors he somehow split from the president’s re-election campaign were greatly exagerrated, but the RNC says it’s just a sign the campaign is desperate after a month where Mitt Romney raised over $16 million more than the president.

“It looks like the Obama Campaign has to bring Mayor Booker back from the ‘dead’ to raise money after a terrible month where the President’s fundraising lagged and he declared to millions of unemployed Americans that ‘the private sector is doing fine,'” RNC Regional Press Secretary Ted Kwong told The Politicker.

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Last month, in an appearance on Meet The Press, Mr. Booker said he found the Obama campaign’s attacks on Mr. Romney’s career with Bain Capital “nauseating.” His comments led to a report in the New York Post, which cited unnamed sources saying Mr. Booker was “dead to” the White House and the Obama campaign. Yesterday, Mr. Booker told us the fundraiser and his other activities on behalf of the campaign prove the Post report was inaccurate.

“I’m giving speeches around the country for the party, I’m co-chair for the DNC Platform committee, I’m fund-raising for the campaign, hosting Thursday’s event and more,” Mr. Booker wrote. “Draw your own conclusions.”

After the Bain brouhaha, both the RNC and the Romney campaign attempted to capitalize on the impression Mr. Booker had split with the president. Mr. Booker subsequently said he was “very upset” he was being “used by the GOP.”

RNC Spokesman Says The Obama Campaign Brought Cory Booker ‘Back From The ‘Dead”