As the congressional campaign filings come rolling in today, here’s a fun one: Dr. Robert Mittman, a somewhat perplexing third tier candidate in the Democratic primary that features three top tier contenders, bet big on his own campaign by loaning it $75,000.
Previously, Mr. Mittman, who curiously did not return repeated phone calls from The Politicker at the start of his candidacy, had declined to file a required campaign finance report.
His candidacy, and that of one or two other also-rans, was initially surrounded by allegations of being a spoiler to split the Jewish vote, although those charges have since calmed down. At one point he even reportedly gave up on his campaign, but that obviously did not ultimately happen.
But with $75,000, he’ll definitely be able to at least get a few votes and possibly impact a close race. However, he has already spent over $42,000 of that loan as of the 6th of June.
Outside of Mr. Mittman himself, only one person, a staffer in his campaign office, has given him a contribution.
Update: The 48 hour filing, which tracks large contributions after June 6th (when the main filing deadline is), shows Mr. Mittman gave another $25,000 to his campaign and received several thousand more in contributions on top of that.